Privacy Policy

Collection and Use of Personal Information

Personal information means information that can be used to identify and contact you, specifically your name, postal delivery address, e-mail address, payment methods, and telephone number, as well as other information when such information is combined with your personal information.

When you register at our Website, we ask you to supply us with personal information so that we can provide, enhance and personalize our services and marketing efforts.  For similar reasons, we may supplement the personal information you provide with publicly available information about you.  We use this personal information to process your registration, your orders and your payments, and to communicate with you on these and other topics.  We also use your e-mail address to send you newsletters, as well as messages about special offers, promotional announcements, and consumer surveys.  Occasionally, we may send these materials to you via postal mail, using the shipping address provided.  If you no longer want to receive the newsletters, other announcements, surveys, or postal mail, simply contact us to unsubscribe.  Please note that you cannot unsubscribe from certain correspondence from us, including messages relating to your account transactions.

Viewing and Updating Your Personal Information

You are responsible for updating and maintaining the truth and accuracy of the personal information you provide to us relating to your account.  If you want to update your contact information, you must be signed in to access your account.  You can also make changes to your account program by contacting us.

Disclosure of Personal Information

Except as otherwise disclosed to you, we will not sell, rent, or disclose your personal information to third parties without notifying you of our intent to share the personal information in advance and giving you an opportunity to prevent your personal information from being shared.

If we use other companies, agents, or contractors to perform services on our behalf, then these other companies may have access to your personal information, in the course of providing such services.  These companies are not permitted to use your personal information except for the purpose of providing the services we request of them.

We also reserve the right to disclose personal information when we reasonably believe disclosure is required by law, if we reasonably believe disclosure is necessary to establish or exercise legal rights, or in situations involving potential threats to physical safety.  In the unlikely event that BYG Technologies is acquired by or merged with a third party, we reserve the right, to sell or otherwise transfer the personal information we have collected as part of that transaction provided that such third party continues to honor our privacy policy.

Cookies and Other Technology

As you browse our Website, cookies may be placed on your computer's hard drive.  Cookies are small pieces of data that are sent to your browser from a Web server and stored on your hard drive for record keeping purposes.  In general, cookies can make our Website more useful by storing information about your preferences on a particular site.  Cookies in and of themselves do not personally identify users, although they do identify a user's computer.  If your browser is set to not accept cookies, you will not be able to use our Website or service(s).

In addition to cookies, we may use other technologies, including pixel tags, to gather information on how our users interact with our site and to otherwise help us efficiently operate and monitor our site and service.  These technologies, show us, for example, popular pages, conversion rates, click-throughs and other information that can be used to improve, operate, and monitor our site and our service.


We take information security very seriously and uses reasonable administrative, technical, and managerial measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access.  For example, we utilize Secure Sockets Layering, an industry-standard protocol when necessary for certain of your transmissions to us, in order to encrypt the personal information that you send to us.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and for restricting access to your computer or mobile device through which you access your account.  Users of public or shared computers or unprotected mobile devices should log out at the completion of each visit to our Website.

Unfortunately, no security system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.  Accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of your personal information and cannot assume liability for improper access to it.  By using this Website, or providing personal information to us through any means, you agree that we can communicate with you electronically regarding security, privacy, and administrative issues relating to your use of this site.

Links to Other Sites

Our Website contains links to sites operated by third parties whose policies regarding the handling of personal information may differ from ours.  While we endeavor to associate with reputable sites, we cannot be responsible for the information handling practices of these other sites.

Changes to This Policy

As we update and expand our services, we may make changes to this policy.  You should check back for updates to this policy from time to time.  If the changes result in materially less protection for your personal information than that provided in this policy, we will make reasonable efforts to contact you and obtain your consent to the changes.  Like our Terms of Use, of which this policy is a part, your use of the our Website or continued use of our service(s) after our efforts to contact you means that you agree to be bound by such changes.

Policy Date

The Privacy Policy was last updated December, 2008